Press Media Museum

Press Media Museum is Turkey’s first and the world’s fourth press museum. The museum building was designed by the Italian-Swiss architects Fossati brothers in a neoclassical style in 1865 and commissioned by Ottoman Minister Saffet Pasha. During the era of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the building was used by the Censure Commission and subsequently turned into a municipality building in 1908. In 1983, the historical four-storey building was assigned for the purpose of opening a mass communication museum in Turkey. Upon completion of restoration works between 1984 and 1988, the museum was opened on 9th May 1988. The museum offers to visitors the world of the Turkish press which dates back to the 16th Century. On display are wealthy artefacts such as 19th Century lithography machines, a screw press, telex machines, typewriters, telephoto machines, copies of newspapers from the early Republican era as well as printing equipment from the Anadolu Agency (Turkey’s first official news agency). The personal items of notable Turkish journalists such as Abdi İpekçi who was assassinated in 1979 are on view in a separate section. Located in the Çemberlitaş neighbourhood of Fatih district, the museum is owned and managed by the Journalists Association of Turkey.

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Divanyolu Cad. No: 76 Çemberlitaş, Fatih, İstanbul
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